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How to be happy? Part I Decisions, decisions...

      Happiness. That is what we all look for, it's a point in our life when we will feel fulfilled and satisfied. Okay, it sounds great, but... When? 
 Well, it's both easy and extremely hard. It's easy because it's a decision. I make this decision every day: ,,Today, I will be happy". It's hard, because you have to actually do something.
Notice what most people do. Get up angry, get even angrier at everything on their way and then they are exhausted. Anger and/or fear consumes all of their resources and energy, lowering their vibrations and inviting even more negativity. 
 Let's fix it. 
  1. Mindset 
 Already said it before, but there is never enough, as this is a crucial part and also the first step.
      2. Balanced diet 
 You probably know by now (even if you want to delete this information from brain every single time 'cause you love your junk food) - what you eat affects not just your body, but also your mind (examples: clarity, mental health) and soul (higher vibrations). Do not force to not eating favorite snacks never again, but try to go for the best you can achieve. For yourself. 
      3. Find a form of movement you enjoy
 Not everyone has to be a huge fan of gym or yoga, but come on - there are many, many other ways to sweat some toxins out. Try some stuff and stick to what you truly enjoy. 
      4. Meditate
 Nothing new? We all need to take a break sometimes. Try starting with guided meditations and explore other ways further on. Take your time and rest. 
      5. The highest vibration
Love. No, I am not saying about jumping into romantic relation right away. This word is misunderstood very often by bringing a vision of romance and lust. 
What am I talking about here?
A healthy relationship.
Sharing love with family/friends.
Love yourself.
Love your surroundings.
Love what you do. Do what you love.
And if there is something you can't bring yourself to love - let it go. Change it. There is ALWAYS a way. 
 Changes start with ourselves. Stay tuned and together, let's make this world a better place by being better people. 

The next part of the series is coming soon. Well, this one is pretty much just a little introduction. Let me know what is helping you stay positive and I might include it in one of the next parts :) 
